Wednesday, June 10, 2015

AZSPORT Kinesiology Tape. Most recommended Kinesio tapes for fast recovery, comfort and stability. Professional, durable and easy-to-use tapes. Uncut 2 Inch x 16 Foot Roll. FDA Approved facility. GOLD MEDAL Guarantee - Review

I will start by saying I was a little skeptical about using this product, but after using this for the first time that was put to rest, AZSPORT Kinesiology Tape helps with my muscle pain in my calfs, pain in the soles of my feet, and neck pain. I apply the tape to my neck before bed, this actually makes a difference when I wake up I'm in less pain, and more well rested because I'm not tossing and turning as much. I apply to the soles of my feet when I'm on my feet for inlonged time frames - having 2 kids does that almost daily, and as far as my calf pain... Wow! I watched a video on YouTube on how to best apply it, that was a life saver and a hugh help as a resource. 

AZSPORT Kinesiology Tape works really well for me, and I recommend giving it a try! 


I received this item free in exchange for my honest opinion. Everything stated is 100% truthful and my own personal views. Regardless I only recommend products or services I use/used personally and believe is a good product.


  1. Please note that Kinesio Tape is a brand not a generic term for Elastic Therapeutic Tape. The only Kinesio Tapes can be found online.

  2. This sounds so awesome, I have heard of people using this but I have never tried any myself. I love your, thank you for sharing your thoughts and opinions on the Kinesiology Tape. :)
